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Green wall/facade

Request: the addition of the "upgrade" type green wall/facade that can be added to buildings. The noise mitigation, water storage and heat reduction are all function values that are already existing.


  • edited October 2021

    Dear @Urbansync 6 ,

    It is posible to create your own custom upgrade types:

    1. Go to Current Situation > Buildings > Edit Function Values..
    2. Add/ select the function you want to be able to upgrade.
    3. Duplicate this function and rename it to [Function name] - Green Wall
    4. Adjust the function values of this new function as desired (Function Color, Function Image, Green, Noise, Livability, etc)
    5. Go to Future Design > Upgrade Types
    6. Add a new Upgrade Type on the left panel (add button on bottom left)
    7. Select the newly added upgrade type.
    8. Add a pair on the bottom panel.
    9. Select the original [Function Name] omn the left, and [Function name] - Green Wall on the right.
    10. Add upgrade type to an Action Menu.
    11. Select upgrade type from action menu, select building to upgrade, and apply/ confirm.

    I hope this answers your request, please let us know in case you have further questions.

    Best regards,


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