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Tip: How is the effect of wind integrated in the Tygron Platform?

The effect of wind can be important in a project, for example a project that focuses on heat stress. Things like the wind speed and direction of the wind affect the heat stress in your area. That is why this has been included in the calculation of the heat stress overlay. More information about how to calculate the hourly wind direction can be found on our wiki.

Now the effect of wind has also been made visual in the Tygron Platform.

For example, the direction of the wind affects the visualization of Water Terrains, specifically the direction of the waves. Additionally, some Special Effect particles are affected by wind direction, such as smoke. The units are geo-angles. Or set a windmill to the correct wind direction.

Watch this video of these examples in a project.

Do you also have an idea about how wind can have an effect in your project? Share it with us and the community!

We are very curious!

Kind regards,
Tygron support team

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