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placing solar panels in Tygron based on there location in geodata


I have a question regarding the use of solar panels in Tygron:

Is it possible to place solar panels on rooftops in Tygron, based on a geodata file (geojson/wfs) with this locations?

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    Hi @Hans van den Bosch ,

    It is possible to import a file/use data from a service with buildings that have solar panels on the roofs. In this file the polygons (buildings) should have the attribute SOLAR_PANELS = 1. In the Geo Data Wizard you can import this as Buildings. in step 4 choose for Update existing buildings. The buildings in the Current situation are then updated with solar panels on the roofs.

    You can also use the file/data from a service for a measure, but then you cannot update the existing buildings. With the measure option you demolish the current buildings and construct new buildings with the solar panels.

    See also the demo project for possibilities regarding solar panels.


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