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Is there any approach to add one action or function with which land price can be negotiated?

I am trying to design a negotiating game with Tygron, but I find it is difficult to have interactive negotiation between players. For instance, based on the idea, developer can negotiate with municipality about land price, number of afforable houses, but I could find any functions or action that can be used. Would anyone please help me to solve this issue?


  • Dear Jinshuo,

    Thank you for your post.
    The communictaion between stakholders can take place in different ways. 1, via face to fcae communication and 2, via the inbox that you can add to the action menu. This is a Special Option in the action menu options. In this Special Option menu you can also find the Land option. This gives you the option to buy or sell land and to adjust the price of the land. This page contains more information on how to configure the action menu and this page contains more information about the Special Options

    The number of houses is part of the indicator, it is the target that is set for the indicator.
    On this page you can read all about how to set this indicator target

    I hope this information answers your questions about these topics.


    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    Thank you very much for the reply. I have tried to use the special option in the menu, but the action 'buy land' can not select area in advance. If we want to have fixed land plot to negotiate in the game, is any other approach to achieve this goal?

    By the way, I am wondering whether the menus can be added or deleted by game designer, such as number of house, and only several options can be chosen in the menu, I attached the picture as illustration.

    I will appreciate it very much, if you would help me to figure out the solutions.

    Kind regards,


    1719 x 875 - 729K
  • Dear Jinshuo,

    I want to advise you to wacht the session tutorials and the action tutorial in teh editor section Here you get indepth insight in how to use actions as a player and in the action video in the editor section you get indepth info in how to design the action menu's for players.

    I think you mix up the possibility's for actions as a player and the establishment of actions as an editor.
    The video tutorials can help you get a better idea of these to different activities.

    And to get back on your question related to the picture, the selection you draw during the action decides how many houses you build. the bigger the drawing, the more houses you create. therefor it is not an option like you suggest in the picture. So it is possible to decide how many houses you build but in a different way.

    Does this answer your questions?


    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje,

    May I ask another question? I would like to develop one scenarrio in which housing developer has owned land plot, but their development plan (number of housing) need the approval of municipality. Is there any action to realize this goal? I have tried to use the action of constructing houses, but developer can conctruct housing directly without permit from municiplaity. I wonder if I can change the authorisation of developerś action to requiring confirmation of municipality before execuation.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi Jinshuo,

    Thanks for your question,

    In order to create an action for constructing a development plan that requires confirmation you can first
    create a measure that requires a confirmation and add it to your action menu.
    In order to create a measure the following steps need to be taken:
    1. Select Stakeholders -> Measures
    2. Select Add at the bottom of the left panel
    3. Check the "Requires confirmation before execution" box in the right panel
    4. Select Add Building at the bottom of the left panel
    5. Select the desired building specifications in the right panel
    (one or more buildings with different specifications can be added to the measure)
    5. Draw the area in which the building needs to be constructed (in this case the owner of the area is the developer)

    In order to add the new measure to your action menu:
    1. Select Stakeholders -> Actions
    2. Select an existing action from the menu or add a new action
    3. Select Measures from the list of action in the right panel
    4. Choose the newly created measure from the drop-down menu

    The newly created action requires confirmation before it can be executed.

    More information on measures you can find on our wiki:

    I hope this helps!

    Tygron Support Team

  • Jinshuo, I am quite curious about the use case you are working on. Can you tell a bit more about what you are developing and what you will be using it for?

    Many thanks in advance!

    Tygron Support Team

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