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Spatial planning quick, open and fun!

Hello, As a project manager in spatial development, I experience these projects/processes to be long, too complex and for most people, boring. Allthough people feel involved with their surroundings, it is hard work trying to realise an idea, dream, or ambition. With our company De Oversteek we have set the goal to make spatial planning quick, open and fun.

Technology offers promising tools to achieve this goal. And Tygron seems to be an amazing example. I would like to ask you (forum members) to share your experiences to this regard, and perhaps you have more ideas to help make spatial planning quick, open and fun.

The 'gamification guild', a mixed group of people involved in serious gaming in Nijmegen, are meeting up the 1st of october. I was asked to share the above ideas, and will also demonstrate Tygron. I hope your replies will offer more inspiration for this presentation.

Kind regards


  • Hi Wout,

    Have a great evening on October 1st! It is nice to see that you are sharing your experience to inspire others. Looking forward to your post about the presentation and the reactions at this event.


    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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