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Previously, I wrote an explanation about Multi-X queries, with which it was possible to obtain correlated data, provided you unwrap the results correctly.

Since then, the software has been improved, extending the X query functionality with a Y term as well. Similar to how X extends the query in the vertical direction, using a clause such as WHERE AREA IS Y will (also) extend the queries in the Y direction.

This creates a matrix of data in which it is much easier to correlate data directly. For example, the attached excel will count how many culverts are present in each neighborhood. It does so by retrieving how much overlap there is between each neighborhood and each culvert, and then counting how many of those "intersections" exist per neighborhood.

If you have a project with culverts (they are loaded in by default, so any recent project you may have is likely to work), you can upload the attached excel as an indicator or a panel, and see for yourself.

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