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Sneak preview of the Tygron Platform 2021 release

edited January 2021 in Inspiration

The Tygron Platform 2021 LTS release is almost here!

The new release includes:

  • Parametric designs: let the Platform generate a design for an area based on adjustable parameters.

  • Combination overlay: create new grid overlays by defining your own formulas and using other overlays as input. Below an example in where the question: where does severe rainfall (50cm or higher) have impact on social and normal housing? is answered with the combination overlay.

  • Aerius module: calculate and visualize the effect of scenarios on nitrogen deposition on Natura 2000 areas with the connection to the Aerius Calculator.
  • And much more. See our roadmap for an overview of the new features.

The new Tygron Platform 2021 release will be released on the LTS server in the first quarter of 2021.

Are you curious about the new features and do you want to try them out?

Download and install the Preview server , which is available for all customers and start creating your project!

Tygron support team

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