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Stakeholders' starting budgets

When you add a finance indicator to a project, you will see that your stakeholder has an initial budget. But where do you change the budget a stakeholder has to start with?

There are two "initial budgets" a stakeholder has: a starting budget for the entire session, and a budget increase for the start of a specific level.

Changing the base initial budget:

  1. Current Situation ->Stakeholders.
  2. Find the list of stakeholders on the left side of the editor.
  3. Select the desired stakeholder in the list on the left side of the editor.
  4. Find the "Starting budget" input field on the right-hand side of the editor.
  5. Change the starting budget by modifying the value of the "Starting budget".

Changing the additional budget per level:

  1. Multi-stakeholder -> Levels.
  2. Find the list of levels on the left side of the editor.
  3. Select the level for which you want to tweak the initial budget. A number of suboptions will appear.
  4. Select the suboption "Stakeholders". A list of stakeholders will appear as further suboptions.
  5. Select the desired stakeholder.
  6. Find the "Additional budget" input field on the right-hand side of the editor.
  7. Change the additional budget by modifying the value of the additional budget.

When a session starts, the stakeholder immediately receives the base initial budget, as well as the additiona budget for the first level. With every further level, the user receives (just) the additional budget. They will not again receive the initial base budget. Note that if there are multiple levels and a level further in the chain is activated, all intermediate levels are activated as well, and thus budgets for those levels received. (For example: When level 1 is active, and level 3 is activated, the stakeholder has already received the initial budget and the first level's budget, and will receive the budgets of level 2 and level 3 upon activation of level 3.)

Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

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