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A functions list


Is it possible to get a list with all functions that are available on Tygron?

Thank you!

Josep Pueyo-Ros


  • Hello Josep,

    There is no special option to extract a list of all functions besides opening the list of functions when you add a new building and scroll through all the function options.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi, I guessed that.

    Actually, I meant an external list, like a documentation manual in pdf, an excel file, or some article on the wiki, for instance. The purpose of that is send the functions list to the practitioners of a city so they can decide what function describes better each of the buildings of their city.

    Thank you!

    josep Pueyo-Ros

  • Hello Josep,

    Ah oke, the only list we have about this is on our wiki but I think you found this already. this is a page where you can find an overview of the categories.

    Unfortunately we do not have a more specified list of all functions per category.

    Sorry we can not help you with that.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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