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Converting buildings into landmarks
Here is my today's question. ;)
Buildings can be converted into landmarks? For instance, I uploaded my buildings layer, but some of those buildings are churches, which is not a function but a landmark. Can I convert them into landmarks?
Or an alternative, can I upload a geojson file with landmarks?
Thank you.
Hi @jpueyo ,
Good question for today :)
Since the LTS release is tomorrow (see also our newsletter: ), my answer will be about the new functionalities in the LTS release.
In the LTS release, there is also a function Religious building in the Other category. When importing buildings, you can assign this function to the churches.
In the new release, landmarks are deprecated. If you want to import a 3D model of a church, so these buildings are more recognizable as a church, you can import a 3D model yourself. See some of the options of importing 3D models here:
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