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New demo projects

edited February 2020 in Inspiration

Hi Everyone,

Recently it is possible to request a trial account for the Tygron software. Guided by some demo projects you can explore the possibilities and features of the Tygron Platform. For you as a well-know user of the Tygron Platform it can also be interesting.

All demo projects are available in all domains, so also in your domain.

This gives you the opportunity to experiment with a different theme, and therefore different features. So if you are curious about what other possibilities the Tygron Platform has to offer, don't hesitate and open one or more of the demo projects and start experimenting today.

On our website an overview of all the demo projects and it's features is available, The list of demo projects (and tutorials) is still growing so keep checking the demo projects every once in a while.

Do you miss a specific topic as a demo project? Please let us know by replying on this post so we can make a demo project in this topic as well!

I look forward to your reply, because I'm always curious about what keeps you busy as our valued user.

Kind regards,
Tygron support team

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