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Een aantal suggesties en bugs na een paar dagen gebruik te hebben gemaakt van Tygron

Ik heb een aantal dagen het Tygron platform gebruikt en heb een aantal suggesties voor Quality of life features en algemene verbeteringen. Ook ben ik een paar bugs tegen gekomen. Het kan zijn dat ik bepaalde features nog niet ontdekt heb en daarom verkeerde aannames maak. Dit alles is op de Preview versie (13-1-2020, 2020.5.2.1).

Quality of life features

  • Sommige vensters (popup vensters zoals de Wiki) moeten geforceerd geminimaliseerd worden (als een ander programma geopend wordt blijven ze aanwezig). Erg vervelend als Alt+tab veel gebruikt wordt.
  • Het is niet mogelijk om meerdere dingen selecteren in het add units menu
  • Het is niet mogelijk te dubbelklikken op units in add units menu om meteen te selecteren en het selectiescherm te verlaten.
  • Kan niet dingen verwijderen in units menu, maar als je op delete klikt geeft het wel de optie iets te verwijderen, maar het is onbekend wat het doet.
  • Als de vrije camera geopend is komen de pijltjes van het toetsenbord overeen met Noord, Zuid, West en Oost ipv de relatieve assen van de camera op dat moment. Dit werkt zeer counterintuïtief en maakt navigeren lastig.
  • Als de camera gedraaid wordt om het eerste inzoemniveau van de 3D kaart lijkt deze raar te draaien. Ik zou verwachten dat deze om de globale z-as zou draaien, maar lijkt om een lokale camera as te draaien.
  • Installer (beide versies) vraagt niet of het een snelkoppeling mag aanmaken maar doet het wel. Normaal zie je vaak een vinkje voor snelkoppeling maken.
  • Als er teveel overlays zijn dan vallen deze buiten de lijst aan de rechterkant en is er geen scrolfunctie.
  • Als de legenda van een overlay aanpast wordt, dan ververst het programma na iedere aanpassing de lijst waardoor kleuren verspringen (hittestress kaart). Dit zorgt voor telkens een kleine verstoring van de workflow omdat je de kleuren kwijt raakt.


  • Community hub venster geeft foute size aan waardoor de topbalk niet te zien is tenzij het geforceerd geresized wordt.
  • Wanneer je op straatniveau bevindt en op escape klikt dan gaat de interne tijd (lucht en autos) veel sneller bewegen.
  • Het is niet mogelijk om een tweede keer op escape te klikken om het escape menu weer te sluiten.



  • Is het mogelijk om een ingezoemde 2d kaart te hebben. Ik kijk namelijk naar alleen een straat en daar is een 3D kaart niet altijd optimaal.
  • Wiki pagina met alle controls/navigation of ergens anders een overzicht (toetsenbord shortcuts).
  • Comments onder videos?
  • Is in de video Session Setup er een Kerbal Space Program reference?
  • Geluidniveaus in videos verschillen en in sommige is er grote galm.
  • De framerate van de webinar Actions, Meaures and Upgrades is extreem slecht.
  • Is het mogelijk om specifiek gebieden van de kaart te deactiveren ter optimalisatie, wanneer deze niet nodig zijn voor de gebruiker.
  • Het is niet mogelijk om een forumpost te previewen
  • Afhankelijk van de werking van de spoilerfunctie. Als deze nu niet werkt zou ik deze graag geïmplementeerd zien voor het forum. Is zeer handig voor bijvoorbeeld een grote post met veel afbeeldingen.



  • Hello Max,

    Thank you for your suggestions! It is quite a lot so I will come back to you about this. Some of the comments you make are already possible and I would like to give you some directions on that. You will here me soon. In the mean time, keep up the good work! We appreciate the feedback and like your commitment.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Thank you for your reaction. I already have some more questions/bugs. I hope I am not reporting stuff that I missed that is already a feature.


    • Can it be possible to change the sequence of Stakeholders like the action list.
    • While editing a Zone the already drawn part of the zone is not shown. Only an outline can be seen.
    • When using an action that creates an area, the OK area is shown in green, yet the “not empty”, “not your property” and “outside the area” are all shown in the same colour red. This makes it hard to see the difference between them.
    • When you are in the zoning overlay and you move with the left mouse button, the zoning details about the area also open. Moving with the left mouse button should probably be disabled when in such a mode.
    • If the option “Plain White” is selected for the buildings the names of streets/areas cannot be read anymore because it is the same colour. (Graphics settings set to medium)


    • While editing a zone in the zoning mode, sometimes a microstutter seems to occur which reloads the map. However, this deletes my current selection for the zone, which means I have to start over.
    • The first letter of the Indicators don’t seem to capitalize, while the short name is
    • When making a measure and deleting a submeasure (such as placing a building) by pressing delete the whole measure is deleted. Even though the pop-up only asks if you want to delete the submeasure.
    • Using the “Road with trees” type road doesn’t seem to influence the heat effect even though the settings give a -2 for heat effect.
    • The Heat Stress Indicator description says it is based on the UNESCO IHE, but in the new version you can also use the DPRA model (which is the one I used). So the text should probably update for that fact.


    • Is it possible to convert all actions taken into a measure or save it in a different way?
    • I am personally not a fan of how an area is selected. Because you start deleting the selection when you start selecting within an area it is quite hard to select small areas you missed. A better solution would be only being able to select an area when you press the add button and only be able to delete parts of the area when you select that option.
  • Hello Max,

    I finally had some time to respond.

    First of all, thank you for your input.

    It is not possible to implement and solve all your requests now but we will take it into account when we develop and add new features.

    Also thanks for the ideas to improve our forum itself. We will check what we can do with that.

    You also ask some questions and name some suggestions I would like to get into a little bit more.

    In the first part you refer to the units and how it is not possible to delete these units. That is true. It is not possible to delete these items from your project. When you try to delete this after all with the delete button on your keyboard, you will get a popup but this does not ask you if you are sure you want to delete trains (f.e.). It asks: are you sure you want to delete (blank)? If you confirm this question the unit will not be deleted because this is not possible in the first place. More information on what is possible with the units settings can be found here:

    About the overlays and the overlay menu in the right bar, it is possible to work with child overlays to solve the problem or overlays not being displayed. More informtion about that is avialable here: It is possible to set all overlays to eighter a parent or a child overlay.

    In regard of the legend being updated during the changes you try to make, I think this is because the auto update function is turned on. More info on this can be found here: If you turn this off, please be aware of updating the project manually (or turn it on again) when you want your project to be calculated again to see some results f.e..

    You also asked for the possibility to have a 2D map where you can zoomin. It is possible to create a 2D viewer map in your browser with the 2D viewer option. More info abou this can be found here: Notice, not all features from this tutorial will be available for you because you need a technical partnership to be able to use all settings from the 2D viewer.

    It is indeed possible to deactivate some areas when you do not need them in your calculation. How to chaneg these settings can be found here:

    In your second post you mention the heat stress is not affected by the use of 'Road with trees". It depends on which one of the heat stress calculation you use. The UNESCO IHE or DPRA Model. IN the Unesco one it will be influenced, in the DPRA Model one it will not. Why this is different is explaind in the documentation about the models. and

    And finally about saving the actions, my colleague Rudolf wrote a nice post about this on our forum last week. This explains the options you have in regard of saving the outcome of actions that have been taken.

    I hope you can work with some of my suggestions on how to solve some of your questions/suggestions.

    And maybe you would like to share a pic of your project? I'm curious on what your project is about and how it looks!

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • edited January 2020

    Hello Hansje,

    Thank you for your reaction. Sadly enough I am already done with my work in Tygron (I only had a around two weeks). I was working on the Hoefkade area in The Hague and how it can be improved (in regards to heat and water stress) with greenery and other measures. For instance, we introduced a significant amount of extra trees in order to reduce the temperatures on the street.

    About the units I simply thought it was weird that a popup came up even though it was not possible to delete the units. The same was the case on the overlay list, I would normally expect a scroll bar to show up in programs. As I am using the DPRA model I found a workaround for the Street with trees by manually placing my own trees. I also have even more suggestions that might be interesting.


    • It is not possible to double click when changing the function of an object and immediately accept and leave the menu.


    • Sorting of measures doesn’t work properly with numbers. low numbers do not get placed in the front of the list. eg:
      • measure 19
      • measure 2
      • measure 20
      • measure 21
    • The picture of the brick road is not a brick road but asphalt
    • The forum doesn't seem to allow to press tab again to move a list further to the right (indent further). Or allows you to use several spaces in front of the word to fake it.


    • Would it be possible to change several buildings in a measure at the same time? Eg: select 5 parking places and convert them all together to something else.
    • Can/is it possible to combine several actions/buildings in the measure tab? For instance I had an imported measure with over 100 trees, which made it hard to actually find the correct tree and slowed down the program due to the amount of objects.
    • I also imported a significant amount of buildings in my measure that replaced the exact same buildings already standing there. Could it be possible that Tygron asks you if you are certain you want to replace/reload the buildings already existing in the current situation? Because these buildings did not change or were overwritten by other objects I deleted all of them to increase performance.

  • Hello Max,

    In response to your closing questions:

    Although we have a building multi-select tool for existing construction, allowing for mass-selection, modification, and combining of constructions, we do not have a similar option for constructions part of a measure. For now, you have to change them manually.

    As for replacing existing constructions: when importing constructions, you can opt to import them (among other data types) as constructions or as measures. If you opt to load them in as constructions, then they will replace the existing constructions in the world. If you load them in as a measure, and then perform that measure, it should replace existing constructions as applicable. Any construction part of a measure which exactly matches an existing construction in the 3D world will have the equivalent effect of demolishing the existing construction and rebuilding an exact duplicate.

    Kind regards

    Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

  • Hi Max,

    Thank you for sharing a pic of your project! Real nice to see what you ahve created and know more about the project itself.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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