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Updating infiltration capacity of a surface having negligible impact on the rainfall model

I am trying to update the infiltration capacity of gardens to reflect values in the literature (1.0-1.2m/day). This appears to have very negligible impacts on the rainfall results even when making this change at a very large scale (changing all gardens at the city-scale). I have been wondering why this is the case, and I have an idea that I would like your opinion on.

The model for the infiltration states that it takes the lowest infiltration value found within a cell vertically. If the underground type is, for example, unknown, giving a value of 0.1, is it correct that no matter what the infiltration capacity of the garden or above surface is (as long as it is >0.1), the underground infiltration capacity will be taken? And consequently the model assumes no infiltration?


  • Hi Ellie,

    You mention that there is almost no impact of changing the infiltration values in your project. Did you actually activate the underground model? If not, there is no infiltration into the underground. Read here how you can activate the underground model.
    In the water model there is infiltration from the surface to the undergound unsaturated zone and from the underground unsaturated zone to the underground saturated zone. For the infiltration from the surface to underground unsaturated zone, the smallest value is taken from either the surface terrain or a construction on top of this surface. You can read more about this here.
    I hope this answers your question!

    Tygron support team

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