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Draw inlet

I would like to draw a point in the preview server where I want an inlet and then indicate in the Rainfall Wizzard (at “2.5.4 Inlets”) that this point is an inlet. Does anyone know which steps I have to go through to draw such a point?
Kind regards,


  • edited May 2019

    Dear Egon,

    An inlet can be added to a project in the Editor by going to Current Situation > Buildings > Add (button in bottom-left corner). In the panel on the right click Change Function > Underground > Inlet. You have now changed the function of your new construction. Proceed by giving it a location in your project by clicking Draw Area in the bottom-right corner. Don't forget to rename the construction to make it easier to identify. Once you have gone through these steps, return to step 2.5.4. from the Wizard. The new construction should now be selectable from the list.

    More information on inlets and their configurable attributes can be found at

    Hope this helps!


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