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Buiten plangebied
Ik heb een probleem met mijn project Bossche Omgevingswet. Als ik als de rol speel van economie dan lukt het mij niet om gebouwen te slopen die wel mijn eigendom zijn. Ik krijg dan als reactie ‘buiten plangebied’
Weten jullie hoe dat komt en wat daarvoor de oplossing is?
Hello Lee,
Thank you for contributing to our forum. You experience a problem with wanting to demolish a building and you get the message: not able beacuse it is outside the plan area.
This is is because the building you want to demolisch is not located in a neighborhood. Is it possible you have one or more neigborhoods set in your project but the building you want to demolish is not located in one of them?
Every part of your projects which is not assigned to a neighborhood is counted as "outside the plan area". When you adjust a neighborhood or create a new one which does include the buildings you want to demilosh the problem will be solved.
I hope this answer will help you.
Kind regards,
Tygron support team
Hi Hansje,
I've removed the neighborhoods, but the problem still exists. I've configured other projects with neighborhoods and never encountered this problem. Do you have a other solution?
Hello Lee,
I understand the problem still occurs because you need to add the buildings to a neighborhood instead of removing it. If you have removed all neighborhoods you will get the "outside plan area" message for all buildings now. Please add the neighboorhoods and make sure the buildings you want to demolish are located in one of the neighboorhoods. Now the problem should be solved.
Kind regards,
Tygron support team
Hi Hansje,
Thanks for your reply, but I've removed the neighborhoods and I can't get them back. How can I get the neighborhoods back in my project and then allocate te buildings to a neighborhood?
Hi Lee,
On this wiki page you can find all the info about how to add and remove neighboorhoods.
Under het headline "How does a Neighborhood relate to the Tygron Platform?" the principle of the outside plan area is explained as well.
If you want to import the neighboorhoods from PDOK you can find the import Geo data also at the neighborhoods option. On this wiki page you can find the source of the neighborhoods data and where you can donwload it again.
I hope this helps you adding the neighborhoods to your project.
Kind regards,
Tygron support team
Hi Lee,
I forgot to paste the link to the neighborhoods to download it again. data/wijk-en-buurtkaart-2017
And this is the page where you can find all the data sources:
Kind regards,
Tygron support team
Hi Lee,
You can also generate a new project of the same area (preferably a little bit bigger if possible) and export teh neigborhoods form the new project and import these in your other project.
Maybe this is easier to do?
Kind regards,
Tygron support team
Thanks, Hansje your advice has been very helpfull. I'm stil trying to make it work.
Hi Hansje, it seems to be working again, thanks for your help!
Hello Lee, I'm happy I could help. Great to here it is working again!
Kind regards,
Tygron support team