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Flooding module and culverts

I try to fill a system of small canals with use of inlets upstream and a breach downstream. The attributes are shown below:


  • Inlet capacity: 1000000 m3
  • Inlet Q: 10 m3/s
  • Upper threshold: top of the canal profile
  • Lower threshold: bottom of the canal
    For the breach I use the canal bottom level as breach level, the width of the canal is the breach width. I used an external water level of 0,5 m above the canal bottom.


  • Breach height: bottom of the canal
  • Breach width: width of the canal
  • Breach angle: ?
  • External surface level: bottom of the canal
  • External water level: bottom of the canal +1 m
  • External area: 1000000

When I run the module, water flows around my inlet and breaches in the canals but only in the most nearby section. Canal sections connected with culverts are not filled.

I already tried the following for the culverts:

  • Adjust the diameters
  • Set the culvert height at the bottom of the connected canals (highest as reference)

What is happening around the culverts? And how can I prepare my project to make water flow better through the system?


  • Hi Christian,

    So if I understand correctly, there is now water flowing through the culverts?
    Can you give me some more information about your project, for example:

    • Have you imported water areas? This is an important step.
    • Are the start and end points of the (line-based) culverts in a ditch/canal? It is important that they are in a water body and not start or end on land for example.
    • Do the culverts where no water is flowing through, have an Attribute: ObjectFlowOutput?

    If you can provide more information, I'm able to answer your questions better.

    Tygron support team

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