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Import terrain data (GeoJSON)

edited November 2018 in Data

We wilde terrein data inladen in een leeg project via de wizard. Deze data hebben we als controle geëxporteerd vanuit een ander project binnen Tygron.
Nu krijgen we onderstaande error. Wat houdt deze error in?

Detected CRS: urn:orgc:def:crs:EPSG::3857
Number of Features in this project map: 0

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    Hi Emmen1,

    The error message means that the dataset you are importing is not on a location in your 3D project.
    You mention you want to import data into an empty project. Do you mean an empty project without any constructions (buildings, roads, trees etc.)? And is the project you have exported the data from also an empty project?
    If you can provide this information, I can help you further!

    Tygron support team


  • I wanted to test this feature. So we exported terrain from a location/project from the city Emmen with the Terrain > GeoJSON export option under the GEO DATA tab.
    After we done that, I opened a new empty project, with nothing in it. There I tried to import the terrain we just exported.

    I thought that Tygron would read in the data and recognize the location.
    but that is not the case if I read your reply.

  • Thanks for your response.
    An empty project has already a location, at/near the (0,0) point in the WGS84 coordinate reference system. Therefore data from the city Emmen is not in this empty project, since the coordinates of this data are not anywhere near (0,0) in the same coordinate system. Therefore this dataset cannot be imported. To see the location from the empty project, you can export the Terrain data from the empty project, open it in a GIS and display a background map behind it.

    Tygron support team

  • So if I understand it correctly, the coordinates of the file you want to import has to match to coordinates of your project. Otherwise Tygron will not recognize the place and will not import the file.

  • Hi emmen1,

    Yes, if the coordinates of the data don't match the location of your project, the data can't be imported.

    Tygron support team

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