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Suggestion for updating values via TQL

Hi Tygron team,
I've noticed that by using TQL the user is limited to updating values to only one decimal number (e.g. typing in 0.012 will round to 0.01 and 0.005 will round to 0 which is especially problematic). When updating these values via the Geo Data wizard, it's possible for these values to be quite small, however not when using TQL.
I would just like to make the suggestion that this could be changed in an upcoming update.


  • Hi Ellie,

    Thank you for your suggestion. It is true that when updating values with the TQL query tool, the numbers are rounded. However, when updating values with a TQL indicator in Excel or with a data set in the Geo Data wizard, I could not reproduce this. Can you clarify your suggestion with the steps you did in the Geo Data wizard?

    Tygron support team

  • Hi Godlief, I am meaning that if you follow the following steps, the number can be made very small with an example of changing properties of normal gardens
    1. export building files of all gardens
    2. In QGIS update the Infiltration capacity to be 0.005
    3. Import data using Geo-data wizard and select the update only option
    This results in the gardens having an infiltration capacity of 0.005 as desired.

    It would be much more convenient to use the update query directly in TQL to save some time.
    Does this make more sense?

  • edited June 2019

    Hi Ellie,

    Thanks for the clarification of your steps, I now understand your feature request. I have tested it again and it seems that numbers are not rounded anymore in the Query Tool. Therefore you can now use the query tool to update to very small values, see screenshot below:

    1140 x 689 - 110K

    Tygron support team

  • Hi Godelief, I indeed noticed this in the new update :) thanks!

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