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Floating cars

edited October 2019 in Editor


For my case Bossche Omgevingsgame, when you scroll to the groundlevel during a game-session the cars are floating over the roads (low flying). What is the cause of that?


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  • Accepted Answer

    Hey Lee,

    The 'floating cars' is caused by the difference between the height map and the unit height. (Units are cars in the platform)
    You cannot change the unit height in order to make them not float anymore. You can however turn off the cars so you don't see them at all. Go to Units in the Visuals Tab and select per unit type if it is active in the 3D world or not.

    The cars are more a visual thing and not really an actual object. The only connection that is made in the platform to the real situation is that if the road is characterized as a busy or an easier road the ammount of units is adjusted.


  • Hi Hansje,

    Thanks, because I got a lot of questions during the game-session testing. Now I know how I can answer them.


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