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How to generate a heatnetwork

Unfortunately I’m not succeeding in letting the Tygron network generate a network. The Wiki page says that when I follow this path ''(header)→ Lines (bar)→ Net Wizard (dropdown)'' I can generate a network. This path doesn’t exist in the software. Any idea how to solve this problem so I can generate a network?


  • Hi Schmitz, On Friday the 17th we organize a webinar where we will explain how to create a network. Maybe it is possible to join this webinar via Skype?
    I have posted the webinar on our forum on this page
    Here you can see the 3 topics that will be explained, maybe one of the other topics are interesting for you as well :)

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Sorry, I realize I did not get back to you about the networks. In one of the webinars we will explain how to set up a network. That's why I mentioned it to you.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • edited May 2019

    BTW the network technology will be available per the first of June 2019 on the LTS Server. Now it is only available on the Preview Server. If you want to experiment with the functionality already please install the Preview Server via Otherwise just wait untill the LTS Server release to start working with the network technology.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • edited May 2019

    I'm sorry but the webinar about networks is canceld for this upcomming Friday. I will plan a new one and announce te new date here as well. I hope you can start by yourself with written info on our wiki. To be continued.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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