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Exporting overlays during a test run

I am wanting to implement measures and show the impact these have on different overlays. I want to be able to compare the overlays for different spatial plans. In general I want a nice way to present the impacts that different set of measures have on heat stress and water storage (more flexible than simple screenshots) I know how to export GeoTIFF Files in the editor, however I would like to do this at various points during the test run.

Is this, or something similar possible?


  • Hi Ellie, This can not be done during a testrun. I think it is best to work with versions. You can make multiple versions with different scenario's, so different measures. You can export a GeoTIFF per version and compare these.

    Tygron Support Team

  • Thanks Hedi. I am also having issues exporting certain types of overlays to GeoTIFF files.
    I would like to export the property overlay and also a custom attribute overlay. These overlays do not come up as an option when I try to export them

  • Hello Ellie,

    It is correct that these overlays are not available to export as a GeoTIFF file. It is only possible to export the calculated grid overlays. The overlays you mention are not calculated and therefor not exportable. When you want to export a overlay with custom attributes you can use a average overlay and select the attributes that you want to export in this overlay and the distance to these attributes on 0. some additional infomration about the average overlay can be found here

    I hope this will help you.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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