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How to create a protest button (action) in the Tygron Platform?

edited March 2019 in Editor


In mijn actionslijst mis ik de actie protest die hangt aan de lijst van measures.



  • Hello Lee!

    You're referring to the "protest button", an action we've implemented in a few projects in the past. Its function is to allow an end-user to pause a running session unilaterally, giving less authoritative stakeholders such as citizens a means to proactively defy decisions made by other parties with more resources.

    This is not a built-in function, but it's possible to create the option yourself, just as we have. The steps are as follows:

    Find the "Event bundles" option in the editor ribbon, and create a new event bundle.
    Add a server event to the event bundle
    Select the newly created event bundle, called NO_DEF by default
    In the bottom panel, find the SETTINGS_ALLOW_INTERACTION event and select it
    Make sure the "Interaction allowed" checkbox is unchecked.
    Click on "commit"
    Name the event bundle "Protest", or something to that effect.
    Find the "Actions" option in the editor ribbon, and create a new action menu.
    Add the "Protest" event bundle to that action menu.
    Give the action menu an appropriate name, and icon.
    Assign the action menu to the stakeholder who should have the ability to protest.

    Note that when the stakeholder select the action (menu), the event bundle is immediately fired, pausing the session for the entire team. The facilitator is the only one who can resume the session by pausing and resuming the session for all teams.

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