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Sneak Preview of the Tygron Platform 2019 release

edited November 2018 in Inspiration

Are you curious about the Tygron Platform 2019 release?
This new release will include features such as the Flooding overlay, the Water Quality overlay, creating larger projects and more insight into calculation times.
Of the Flooding overlay you can already see on our Wiki some of the different use cases of working with and using the Flooding Overlay in your project.
Let us know your comments!

1320 x 763 - 1M

Tygron support team


  • That looks promising indeed. Will there be a Community of Practice-like event or a presentation on new features in the near future?

  • Thanks for the suggestion Jacco! We have not set a new date for such an event yet, but as you know we do organize these regularly. We will update you when we have set a date!

    Tygron Support Team

  • edited December 2018

    Good Afternoon Jacco,

    We can imagine that you like to be fully in control when you use our software. This is why we would like to invite you to a breakfast session at Tygron. In this session we will introduce the big LTS-summer release, so you can check it out and explore on the Preview Server.

    Tygron-Spring-Hands on-Breakfastsession
    Thursday 14th of March, Tygron The Hague

    Reserve your seat and send an email:

    As of the 1st of April, you are welcome to join our walk-in sessions every Thursday morning for questions and tips about the new (preview) release.


    The Tygron Team

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