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Problems uploading new/adapted excel sheets to new indicators

Hi there,
I am trying to upload three separate excelsheets for three different new indicators.
For some reason, I am unable to change the name of the excelsheet from "indicator.xlsx" to a new name (I can highlight it but not make any changes to the text). This is happening for each of the indicators, meaning that each new indicator is only allowed to use the excelsheet "indicator.xlsx" and consequently each indicator is based off the exact same sheet.
Is there a bug in this? Or is there a quick way to allow me to change the name of the excelsheet?

Many thanks for your help!


  • Hello Ellie,

    I think I understand you want to change teh name of the Excel when you have already uploaded it in the Platform? You can change the name of the excel before you upload it. Take into account that you cannot use capitals and spaces etc. Only lower case letters can be used to name your excel.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • Hi Hansje, it doesn't matter at what stage I try to change the name, it does not let me change it at all (resulting in me only being able to have 1x new indicator based upon an excel sheet). Please see screenshot showing how this one excel sheet becomes in use by multiple indicators.

    It could be important to note that this has only recently become a problem, as I was previously able to upload new excel files and name them accordingly.

    434 x 98 - 14K
  • Hi Hansje, I just figured out the problem - I forgot that you need to click on the bottom right corner for "Ïmport new Excel sheets" instead of just updating them with a different file...
    Sorry about this :smile:

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