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Flow direction

Dear Tygrologists,

I have a question about the water overlay " surface flow direction".

I would like to do two things;

  • Present the arrows smaller, so more arrow can be shown and the flow direction can be presented in a higher resolution.
  • Determine a specific time to show the flow direction. In this simulation 80 mm of rainfall fall in 1 hour, afterwards 1 hour of no rain. I would like to show the flow direction nearing the end of the rainfall event (approx 50 minutes after the start). Is this possible? Now I have selected the last timeframe.

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,

Bas Agerbeek

Best Answer

  • Accepted Answer

    Hello @Ward van Laatum,

    The only way currently to scale down the arrows (make them smaller) is to have a much smaller project area, but I think this is not an option for most applications of the water module.

    There is not an option easily available to have overlays activate at different timeframes. the only way I can think of to get something similar happening, is by using a cinematic, where you can activate different overlays at different points in time.

    If you can elaborate a bit more on how you would like to see these ideas implemented, I would like to invite you to post them on Idea Push, so we can evaluate your requests for our roadmap.

    Best regards,



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