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From color to combo overlay

While experimenting with creating a combo overlay to analyze colors in the 3D world, I distilled the following formulas which can be used to determine the Red, Green, Blue values based on Tygron color attributes (assuming "A" is set to an average overlay aimed at a color attribute of the Tygron color attribute format):

Red: SUB( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 2))), MUL(FLOOR(DIV( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 2))), 256 )),256 ) )

Green: SUB( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 1))), MUL(FLOOR(DIV( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 1))), 256 )),256 ) )

Blue: SUB( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 0))), MUL(FLOOR(DIV( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 0))), 256 )),256 ) )

The formula consists of parsing the value for the color itself:

FLOOR(DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 2)))

And then a modulus effect to scrape off the excess multiples of 256

MUL(FLOOR(DIV( FLOOR( DIV(ADD(A, 16777216), POW(256, 2))), 256 )), 256 )

Changing the power between 2, 1 and 0 isolates the R, G, and B value respectively.

For more information on how Tygron colors work, please see this article on our wiki:

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