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overlay age of buildings

we want to make an overlay that shows the age of different types of buildings.
how can i make an overlay wich shows:
office builings older than 30 year
office buildings younger than 30 year
same for industrial and housing


  • edited September 2018

    Hi Wessel,

    Thanks for posting your question. If I understand correctly you want to create one single overlay that will show 7 types of categories:
    1) office building older than 30 years
    2) office building Younger than 30 years
    3) industrial building older than 30 years
    4) industrial building younger than 30 years
    5) houses older than 30 years
    6) houses younger than 30 years
    7) other

    In the editor it is possible to create an Average overlay that can show buildings older or younger than 30 years. All info about this average overlay can be found here Average Overlay.
    This overlay does not make a difference in the type of building, only the age of the building.

    If I did understand correctly also the type of building needs to be taken into account, and there for you need 7 categories, this is not something that can be done in the editor directly. You need to export het buildings and add these 7 attribute types to the file in a GIS program. Than this file can be uploaded again and update the existing building attributes. With this new attribute you can create an Attribute overlay with the 7 different categories, each with a specific color. The wiki page about the Attribute overlay is currently under construction and will be updated with some relevant information for this specific topic as well.
    I can send the link when this is finished together with some other links to (parts) of wiki pages that will help you create this type of overlay for your specific question.

    Can you please let me know which type of overlay would fit your question best so we can send some additional info if needed?

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

  • The attribute overlay is added to our support wiki. This is the link to this new page Attibute Overlay
    I think you can find all info you need here.

    Kind regards,
    Tygron support team

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