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Create mixed- use buildings

Did you know it is possible to create mixed- use buildings in the Tygron Platform? Thus multiple functions in one building, for example a building with a health centre, housing and shops? These mix of functions in buildings is common in new developments for urban areas.

In the Tygron Platform buildings usually belong to one category. It is however also possible to create a building that belongs to multiple categories. Here's how:

  1. In the Current tab, hover over Buildings and click on Edit Function values
  2. In the Function values table that pops up, duplicate the function that you want to use to create your mixed-use building and give the duplicated function a new name and description.
  3. Then select a different category the building should belong to and click on add. You will see that the function is duplicated and added to the table. Repeat this process for the other categories you want to use for the building. In this example, we use the category healthcare and shopping.
  4. Search for the attribute Category Weight and fill in the percentage the building should belong to that category. In this example we create a building in where 50% of the building is housing, 30% healthcare and 20% shops.
  5. Close the function values table. Now you have created a mixed-use building! You can use this newly created function as an action or in a measure.

Tygron support team

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