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Performance tips

edited August 2019 in Editor

With an increasing number of projects built around our heavier calculation models, more of our users are running into questions of speed of calculations.

Remember that in the top left of the editor, not only do you have the option to activate or deactivate automatic calculations (so you can make more changes to your project before calculating the effects of those changes). You also have the option to inspect the performance overview, which will show details of your last calculation. Use it to find out which steps take up the longest time, and where you can make improvements.

Additionally, if you find that your excel's take a long time to calculate, but you are having trouble pinpointing exactly why, you can activate a calltree recording in the indicator dropdown menu. Then, whenever the excels are recalculated, our software will track exactly how long it takes to process each and every cell in your excel sheet. You can then download the recording in the same way as you can download the debug excel sheet, and see exactly which functions take up most of your precious time.

Finally, if you can't reduce the calculation time of your project any further, remember that you can postpone your next calculation. Select any calculated overlay, and select the option to update it later, meaning outside of business hours. At the start of your next working day, the new results will be waiting for you!

What advice do you want to share to keep your Tygron project fast and responsive?

Sprawling spreadsheets so intricate Alexander the Great cuts them in half.

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