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1. To only comment on the topic where the discussion is about. Do you have a new question or topic? Please start a new discussion.
2. Be kind to other users!
Please keep in mind:
1. To only comment on the topic where the discussion is about. Do you have a new question or topic? Please start a new discussion.
2. Be kind to other users!
Make sure you use the search bar
Do you have a question? Do you want to put a post on our forum?
It could be that the question you have is already present at the forum only it is posted in a different category than you would expect. To make sure you are not posting a dubbel question you can always use the searchbar to go trough the forum. This can also navigate you to some posts that are related to your question which can be very helpfull aswell.
So if you have a question or want to post a question, please use the searchbar first and make sure you can find all answers you need
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Tygron support team