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Invalid detected CRS name null error

Hey there,

Upon trying to import a GeoJSON file to Tygron I receive the following error:

"Failed to import:" Filename
"Invalid detected CRS name: null"

What might I do to resolve this?

Cheers Bjørn

Best Answer

  • edited May 2019 Accepted Answer

    Hi Bjorn,

    That means the GeoJSON file does not have a CRS (Coordinate Reference System). A valid GeoJSON file for the Tygron Platform should have a CRS defined. In the Netherlands, this is probably Amersfoort/RD New (EPSG:28992).
    How did you create the GeoJSON file?
    Can you try to open the file in a GIS (for example QGIS or ArcGIS) and save it again (with the right CRS) as a GeoJSON file? See for the steps the Wiki:
    Let me know if this works.

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